
The idea was to prepare a house that had a traditional style from the outside, but whose interiors blended with the new era.We are very happy that Amac's signature style has been conveyed throughout our concept.As a result, we now own a variety of views,a devotional puja room, an interactive kitchen and dining room, and a welcoming living room.

  • CLIENTPraseeja Vinod
  • LOCATION Nattika
  • Area                3349 sq ft
Amac Architects Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects

A double-storeyed house formed by incorporating both the elements of traditional as well as contemporary styles of architecture. This residence is located in Nattika,Thriprayar,Thrissur, and constructed following the basic principles of Vasthu. Basic orientation being west facing, allows for maximum air and light circulation. One of the basic steps taken as a part of concept development was to bring in the Kerala traditional feel on the outside and the modern contemporary feel on the inside according to the client’s needs. Pooja room and the use of jaalis are the main highlights in this residence which act as a catalyst for creating a sense of continuity from traditional style on the exterior to the modern style on the interior.

Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects
Amac Architects